Materials Formed by the Chinese Judicial Authorities during the Trial of Japanese War Criminals


The interrogation archives formed in the 1950s during the judicial investigation of Japanese war criminals of the People's Republic of China contained the written and oral confessions of hundreds of Japanese war criminals, interrogation summary, etc., which involved the contents of the “comfort stations” that the Japanese established in the occupied areas and how they forced Chinese, Korean, and Indonesian women to work as "comfort women", and ravaged women in comfort stations.

2. 小野武次笔供
Written confession of Taketsugu Ono(小野武次)

来源:乐白家手机乐白家手机首页  发布时间:2015年8月20日

(1954年7月—8月)(July – August, 1954)

(乐白家手机乐白家手机首页)(Central Archives)

?? 据小野武次笔供,他曾任日军佳木斯宪兵队富锦分队警务主任。1940年4月—1942年1月,1943年2月—12月,1945年1月—7月,在富锦县等地,“对于侵略日本军慰安所,我以监视监督之立场,将约30名朝鲜妇女(20岁至30岁左右)当作奴隶,剥夺她们的自由,公开的协助富锦侵略者们凌辱强奸,每星期对她们实施一次阴部检查,将检查之结果通知于侵略军,对朝鲜妇女非仅剥夺其自由而且使她们由于性病而受到莫大之痛苦”。

According to the written confession of Taketsugu Ono, he served as Police Director of Fujin Platoon of the Jiamusi Military Police of the Japanese Army. From April 1940 to January 1942, from February to December 1943, and from January to July 1945: “from the standpoint of keeping surveillance and supervision in the comfort station of the Japanese aggression forces, I enslaved about 30 Korean women (aged between 20 and 30), deprived them of their freedom and publicly assisted the aggressors in Fujin in raping them. I conducted weekly checks on the women’s private parts and informed the aggression forces of the results, deprived the freedom of the Korean women and subjected them to great pain from venereal diseases”.

???? 小野武次笔供译文

???? 小野武次笔供原文


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